Monday, November 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We finally got our little, itty-bitty Christmas Tree up. Since we are not living in our own place, we cannot have Christmas/or life/the way we want it. And since our finances are LOW we decided to go with a small and cheap Christmas tree. With the star, it's about 15 in. or so. It's not much but atleast it's something.

I got my own pc fixed up too. Well, she did it ~ thank you! She also decorated the tree while I watched the last of Firefly. [They decorated it so nicely!] The pc is just for me to work on the MT course and wordprocessing. It's not Internet accessible. I'm not sure it will be while we are here or til we move out.

I'm about to go to work. I gave her my cold and now she feels rotten, so I'm going to get them up, when I'm about to fix "lunch" and then I'll go to work. Odd hours...

Let's see, Firefly, was a show Joss Whedon did. I like a lot of his work. I watched Angel *because of Vincent Kartheiser being on the show, we watched the whole show, now we're watching Mad Men, we don't typically watch tv just select shows, and not typically of one actor, but the show is good* and then we watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and there were things about both shows that made one of "those" impressions so we watched them and then they ended :( so we had Firefly and Serenity in our minds to watch, because they were work of Joss Whedon's and they were both good. Things about the show and esp the movie "spoke" to us. Long story. It sucks that Firefly was cancelled.

Christmas: I am not a Christian, I guess you could say I am trying to recover from being brainwashed with it in my youth. Normally, I have a desire to seperate myself from belief in the Christian religion. But it is hard, because Christianity gets under a person's skin and speaks to your fear, "if you don't do right, God won't let you into heaven and you will spend forever in a burning pit..." Fear and Respect walk closely together, a person has to seperate their prejudices between the 2 in order to determine what they are feeling for something. And a person's religion should not put them in constant fear. Fear of Death is not just explained away by "what will happen to me after I die", or "if you live right you'll go to heaven"... these things I do not want to base my Faith on. You know? And besides there are facts about the religion that contradict each other. I favor the possibility that Jesus was a man who was enlightened and who spoke to people on a level that everyone can learn from. But to take hundreds of other religions and devour them turning them into "Christianity" and then have people killed for it and controlled with fear through it, seems wrong. I'm still trying to learn about my beliefs and have true clarity...

When Christmas rolls around, I distance myself from the typical "celebration of the birth of a Divinity." {I do think that I am also trying to capture and make clear some long ago memory, a feeling of a place, time and my loved ones from another life (other lives).} I share the belief that Jesus may not have lived over 2000 yrs ago and that his persona /archetype/ was embellished by the Romans that sculpted the Catholic Church to utilize a crafted religion to control the mass population.

There is a calming peace and love during Christmas that I want to reach out and touch and have in my daily life, I do enjoy Yule. And the principle of it. So Merry Christmas, Happy Yule.

More later,

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