Thursday, May 20, 2010


Quick life update: Well, first of all, I've decided to make The Scribe, my other blog (dedicated to my writing) private. So if anyone reading this wants to keep up w/my writing blog~that includes you Shellie(Layers of Thought)(I tried to contact you about it privately but I had NO luck, I'm not that net savvy!)Just let me know. I decided to make it private. But I don't mind people reading my stuff, & telling me what they think of it. Not that I'm scoping for compliments but a person needs people to tell them their thoughts on a person's craft. Well anyway, if anyone is interested let me know.

What's going on, well, it is the month of May, a particularly bad month, because my girlfriend/roommate experiences rough stuff w/her birthday. We are all trying to help her through it. I hope I'm doing a good job. I think her birthday will be better this year than past ones, but I hope she makes it through unscathed. It's painful to see her in such anguish.

I am still employed~that's a wonder. Been @ my current job as a CNA in geriatric nursing for several years. I have never worked at 1 place for so long. At times I hate it, the people (other employees) suck very heinous baboon dung, and at other times it gets to me, but I know I am still supposed to learn something about myself, the world, other people, life/death, etc, at this job/in this "place" that I am in~not just where I physically am, but spiritually, mentally. I believe our Life-Paths are set before us before birth, mix that w/some spicy reincarnation, and you've got a cocktail for some mega heavy stuff in your life. When you stray from your Life-Path things can go wrong w/in you, (depression, anger, mental confusion, obesity, anorexia, etc.), but it's all about learning. As one of my friends says: You can learn from anything (any experience) if you allow yourself. Before I became a CNA I was TERRIFIED of life, death, the inner workings of the human body-I couldn't handle the possibilities of what could be going on inside of my person (which in looking back was due to my twitchiness/ignorance/(my uncomfortableness w/my own body) about my physicality). I was afraid of death~my ego still is afraid to die, but I understand the process more, I am not as afraid. I spent my youth running away from living, my 20's running away from living, my 30s realizing that what I've been running away from is happiness/learning to live and accepting safety through conquering my ignorance. I know I have more to learn, how to unconditionally care for those in my life, humbleness, less pride, there are a lot of things I could still stand to learn and experience. Another thing I've learned is the seriousness and respect that a person deserves @ death. Something I did not have before coming into this field. I think it is something in our culture that has long been dead or is barely alive/caring for, respecting the aging/dying. That could partly be due to some religions teaching us to fear death, instead death is just another ACT in EXISTENCE, forcing us to fear it, runaway from it, instead of grow & develop well.

I think I have learned a lot in these past years. I think I have found myself on another path, 1 that is different than what I originally thought years ago. Strange how some turn of events can lead to so many other things. I want to continue to be open w/myself. I think that is a necessary thing. But it's difficult too.

So that is the current. I think blogs are important for many different reasons. 1 being, like me, you can take time to "think out loud" with a neater manner than if you kept a journal. But then again, I think the art of old-fashioned-via-post-writing-letters is a lost art.

Peace World


Anonymous said...

Such a thoughtful & insightful post! I enjoyed reading it! :o)

Unknown said...
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